Today was a very fun filled day made up of a number of entertaining activities. The day started by Erin meeting up with me at my house to grab lunch at Chick-Fil-A (courtesy of some free coupons we got yesterday which was nice) and then do a bit of work on my 240. Most of the day was spent chipping sound deadening out of the interior which pretty much sucks, but we made good progress.

After a few hours of that, Tran headed over and we decided to come inside. Impressed by the new website which we launched yesterday, Tran decided she wanted a site of her own. We didn’t buy the domain yet, but will be up soon, and is currently being hosted on my server. It has a classy pic though, so check it out.

After that fun, we headed towards D-Wood to meet up with Laura, Shai, and Barry and head towards Little 5 Points for a party going down at Wish, a neat clothing store run by one of our friends. We managed to dodge Atlanta traffic pretty well and finally parked, and met up with a bunch of friends who ended up being down there. We also enjoyed some delicious free Nathan’s hotdogs courtesy of Wish.

After hanging around the party for a while, Erin, Tran, Laura, and myself decided to wander around L5P for a second and see some of the other sights. Laura also wanted to get a falafel wrap from this place she likes as she isn’t really a hot dog fan. Here’s her enjoying her meal:

After roaming around for a few minutes and realizing that everything closes super early, we headed back to the Wish block party for a while. Unfortunately it was like 115 degrees with 600% humidity, so we didn’t last long and decided to depart pretty quick.

Here’s a picture of Tyler’s car I took on the way out (Tyler is an old-school DriftMechaniks member, and his wife Lauren runs Wish). It had been in the shop for about a year but is finally done now and looks awesome.

Back in the car, the decision was made to head north and enjoy a night of mini-golf up in Duluth. We had been discussing this for a while and finally decided to make it happen. We settled on Pirates Cove, a big pirate ship themed place right by my house, and it was fun.

We had to wait around a few minutes for Andy, Lieze, and BM to make it so used to opportunity to pose for some crappy pics with my point-and-shoot. Pardon the quality.

Andy, Lieze, and BM finally arrived and our game was started. We all quickly realized (well, at least I did) that mini-golf was a bit harder than we remembered, and I was flat out awful. Tran lost her ball to the lake on the first hole, mine was gone on the second, and then numerous other issues occurred throughout the night. We managed to keep playing though, and did have a really good time (aside from half of the course being like 100 feet from I-85, which was really loud).

At one particular hole, I made an observation that there were goldfish in the pond which I thought was neat. Erin, deafened by the cars on the interstate, immediately turned around and yelled “dolphins?!?!”, which ended up being the running joke of the night. In honor of Erin, here’s a slightly fictional rendering of that spot with dolphins included.

We finished up the golf game and finally ended up outside the pirate ship where we posed for a group shot.

After realizing how hungry a good game of mini golf makes you, we headed down the road to conclude the evening at IHOP. Andy tried to eat the menu.

We finally had a chance to order our food and it proved to be entertaining. I decided to try out the video function on the new point-and-shoot to document this and the remainder of the meal, and here’s the result. Keep in mind I know absolutely nothing about shooting or editing video, so the results might not be very good.

Overall, quite a fun day. I put up a full gallery HERE so be sure to check it out to see even more from the day of excitement.